Hot! Myanmar Constitution Reform “Far Way Off”

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A new report says any reform to Myanmar’s Constitution, while critical for a country moving towards democracy, is still a long way off. While reform efforts are underway in the previously military-led country, drastic constitutional reform will be necessary for permanent and irreversible change. The report said judiciary and legal reform, along with changes to the criminal reform system, are in need of “comprehensive reform.”

Because constitutional reform is a major area of dispute between government leaders and opposition groups, change is not likely to come until after elections in 2015. Amending the Constitution won’t be easy either.

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The current Constitution was drafted in 2008 by the military government, and includes certain provisions and exception clauses that interfere with “fundamental rights and freedoms.” The military junta granted itself power over 25% of parliament, even after elections. Any amendments would also need support from at least 75% of the military’s MPs.

Given the lengthy period of time that will be required to amend the Constitution, the authors of the report are advising parliamentary officials get started now.

Read the full article here.


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Flickr photo courtesy of totaloutnow


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