Hot! Medical Marijuana Gaining Footing in Iowa, Alabama

State vs Federal Law in Cali Marijuana Case

Some Iowan Senate Democrats are sponsoring a bill that would make medical marijuana legally available to those with qualifying conditions.

On Wednesday, state legislators introduced a bill that would legalize marijuana for the critically ill, such as those with cancer. The law would also allow for the creation of non-profit medical marijuana dispensaries to provide marijuana to patients with a prescription.

Iowa isn’t alone in this effort.

Alabama has also re-introduced legislation that would legalize medical marijuana for those in critical health conditions. The bill had failed several times before, but its sponsor, Democratic Representative Patricia Todd, is hopeful this time since the bill has already passed in 18 other states.


Related articles: Federal Court of Appeals Denies Marijuana Rescheduling

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Thailand drug defense attorneys experienced in marijuana laws in Thailand and Marijuana possession can help clients arrested on drug charges in Thailand.

Flickr photo courtesy of it was 3a.m.


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